Coming Home to the Body: A Daylong Meditation Retreat

Coming Home to the Body: A Daylong Meditation Retreat

December 7 from 10 am to 4:30 pm ET Retreat Cost: $40 registration fee plus dana* for the teacher This retreat will focus on cultivation the first foundation of mindfulness (Sati) – the body. O friend, understand: The body is like the ocean, rich with hidden...
Cultivating The Heart of Love: A Daylong Meditation Retreat

Cultivating The Heart of Love: A Daylong Meditation Retreat

Saturday April 6 from 10 am to 4:30 pm ET Retreat Cost: $40 registration fee plus dana* for the teacher This retreat will focus on cultivation of Lovingkindness (Metta) and Mindfulness (Sati). “Loving Kindness is in everybody’s heart, everybody’s mind, everybody’s...
Awakening Joy: A Daylong Retreat led by Janka Livoncova

Awakening Joy: A Daylong Retreat led by Janka Livoncova

This retreat will focus on the cultivation of Mindfulness (Sati) and Appreciative Joy (Mudita). “Mudita strengthens the capacity to experience joy and happiness. It is likened to a flower at full bloom. It is the ability to appreciate something as it is blooming and...